Photographing Backgrounds

We often focus on the foreground much more than the background, which is intuitively the focal point of most photographs.  This is not intended to the professional photographers, but for my fellow readers who are “slightly” more novice in their photography experience.  I have come to realize that playing with the backgrounds can provide some…

The Power of Professional Photography

Leslie Campos, Guest Contributor Cover Image: Pexels In today’s world, where anyone with a smartphone can take a picture and share it with the world, it’s tempting to think that professional photography is unnecessary. However, there are many benefits to hiring a professional photographer for important events, business needs, or family occasions. In this Candid Life…

Product Photography

This may be old news, but many people have taken up Shopify online storefronts to sell products.  Many of them use drop shipping where no stock is kept and products are shipped directly from the manufacturer to the customer.  There are those however, who chose to resell products by keeping stocks, given supply chain uncertainty,…

Photography: House for Sale

With my recent house move I learned a lot about new strategies and tips from moving efficiently, to more focused house hunting; one thing that seems to be trending that I found interesting was the prevalent use of staging to make the house visits more visually appealing and give a visual image of what could…

Nurturing Photography in Kids

It is often said ‘start ‘em young’ but you don’t want to go too hard-core early getting them into a hobby and have them backlash against something that can bring a lifetime of joy.  That’s certainly how I feel about introducing them into photography, I would rather indirectly have them casually experiment and organically ease…

Urban Angles

Making buildings interesting through photography or conveying a certain emotion for a public space will need some strategic thinking.

Winter Shot Ideas

Some ideas for those cold winter days that offer amazing scenery. So don’t be lazy, grab your camera and go for it!

Stand-alone vs. Phone Camera

Phone cameras are typically snubbed by photographers.  And with good reason!  They don’t have half the technical quality and variations that you can get with DSLR and most professional cameras.  But as they improve die hard photographers continue to be on the defensive on why phone cameras are relegated only to amateurs.  For the time…

Frame Those Pix!

Obviously with the overwhelming number of digital photos everyone takes on a daily basis, it can become overwhelming to go through them all and actually enjoy the memories.  I have advocated before about printing them, at least a select few and having them around your house to enjoy and bring back moments of happiness (hopefully). …

Showcasing Your Talents on Instagram

For many, Instagram is a great, direct and to the point social media app.  It gets you inspirational photos and videos with the odd comment.  Descriptions include keyword hashtags that let you know what the just of each photo is.  What is often overlooked is how Instagram can help create and fine tune your photography…